Monday, February 23, 2009

Pressure-cooked short grain brown rice

1 cup short grain brown rice, washed
1 1/2 - 1 3/4 cup spring or well water
small pinch(es) sea salt, per cup of grain

1. Place all ingredients in a pressure cooker. Fasten the lid on the cooker and place the flame on medium-high.

2. When the pressure comes up, place a pre-heated flame deflector under the cooker and reduce the flame to low. Pressure cook for approximately 45 to 50 minutes.

3. When the rice is done, remove the cooker from the stove and allow the pressure to come down. Remove the lid, and use a wooden rice paddle to scoop the cooked grain into a serving dish. Cover the dish with a bamboo mat while waiting to serve.

4. Leftover rice may be covered with a bamboo mat and stored overnight in the pantry or on a kitchen counter.

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